"Life is adventure.To Be a good person is hard.Somehow we can try"
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Twitter: EmmyKzman
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Monday, November 8, 2010
11:32 PM

One , Two , Three . I nak cakap something kat sini !  I want to said a loud I ALREADY MISS YOU AHMAD FAIZ . Shitt ! This is not me anymore ! I seorang yang tiade perasaan . But you dah mengubahnya . I hate that ! I hate this feeling . But I bersyukur sangat dapat perasaan ni sayang . Sebelum ni i memang takde perasaan langsung , mcm hati batu lah konon nye . Hadehhhh -,- So selame 42 hari , bersamaan dengan 6 minggu , and dikira dlm sebulan  begitu kita tak dapat contact you . Shhitttt lah ! i dont like this ! pffttttt , arghhhh tak boleh tahan macam ni wey , Huh! Relax emmy , kau boleh tahan ni . Kau sayang dia ! So terpakse tahan and i will faiz . for youu :)