"Life is adventure.To Be a good person is hard.Somehow we can try"
Instagram: EmmyKzman
Twitter: EmmyKzman
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Thursday, February 28, 2013
11:30 AM

Salam. Hey,

Long time I dont post on this blog since my cat died last year. Kehkeh. And I dont know why. As you guys know I have past my SPM. Hahah and I have tried my best and I hope I will get a successful result. Amin.

In 2013 I dont do so much things. I've know many people and I have got a lot of friends at my workplace, RSH Bandar Utama such as Daus,Hanif,Yen,Nana,Sharifah,Ab,Kak Fatin and many more. Well, I guess they're memang "sama kepala". Thats why lah kami ngam.

I already know how to independent myself, I already know its hard to look for money like my parents do. I know to treat people well and I guess I know sport things. Kehkeh

Guess what? After resign we're having fun at genting highland. Seriously it was fun as much as awesome to the maximum. Hahah. Actually kalau boleh semua game nak main but that time raining kan so part paling sadis tak dapat main yang spiderman tu.

Anyway, I hope that they will not forget me and me too. Love you guys <3 p="">